Blessed is the mother who draws open the curtain to let in the light, and who offers the first blossom.
In quiet, in beauty, and with a smile, await those new ones seeking entry into the world.
We've reached yet another end of the month. Well done—You made it. To ease you into the weekend, here is something special and a reminder of why you are a member of The Human in You community; Happiness is not going to come just rushing up to you on its own. It depends on what you're doing. Your actions make all the difference.
As content creators and most writers, we are goal-oriented, pushing toward them at all costs. However, just as important as the goals coming from our minds is the intention coming from our hearts.
Intention gets to questions of; “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?”
Many of us have had wake-up calls telling us our path may have strayed from the things we most value: our families, our communities, and our health. You see, whenever it feels like nothing is going quite right, it is everyday people who are lifting the frequency of the planet.